How much does a manual therapy course cost: In almost every industry, continuous development is the essence. The situation is no different in the case of medicine. Graduates of Medical Universities and the University of Physical Education, in the field of physiotherapy, face the choice of their own specialization. They are responsible for choosing training courses that will allow them to treat patients more effectively.
Manual therapy courses are popular among students of physiotherapy. What is this therapy and what techniques is it based on? What is the cost of manual therapy courses? Get to know the techniques used by physiotherapists and decide for yourself whether the course of these rehabilitation techniques is for you!
What is manual therapy?
Before we get to the issue that interests every physiotherapist who decides to deepen their knowledge and expand their skills, let’s look at the term itself. What’s under it? Let’s start with the basics. Manual therapy is nothing more than a branch of diagnostic and therapeutic treatment. The axis of manual therapy is the recognition of movement disorders and the process of treatment of the diagnosed impairments in this area.
Sometimes the physiotherapist working with the patient has to rely on the results of X-ray examinations. The aim of this type of therapy is to restore the patient’s full freedom of movement in the joints. When it comes to physiotraining, courses in this branch of medicine are most often chosen by students of physiotherapy. The manual approach to the patient is based on a number of techniques used by the physiotherapist. These include techniques such as:
- Levit’s technique. It is a holistic approach to patient treatment. Through this technique, the sources of pain in the spine and joints are eliminated. The physiotherapist, using this technique, focuses on chiropractic. Performs various manipulations, traction and mobilization.
- Technique based on Maitland’s concept. The reference point for this technique is a detailed interview with the rehabilitated person. The physiotherapist focuses attention on the problem with which the patient reports. This technique is used to treat diseases related to sciatica and disc herniation.
- Therapy based on the Ackermann method. It’s nothing more than fast-paced chiropractic. It involves quick diagnosis and action.
- Orthopedic technique according to Cyriax. It is characterized by incredible simplicity and brilliant precision of diagnostic and therapeutic techniques. This technique is used in the treatment of musculoskeletal dysfunction.
- The technique based on short-lever manipulation (HVLA). The manipulation used in this technique is characterized by a high pace and small amplitude. It reduces tension, and thus pain in the indicated place.
A candidate for a physiotherapist chooses the specialization and physiotherapy courses that suit him. A holistic approach to the patient is a completely new approach to patient rehabilitation and a trend that attracts students thinking about private practice in the future.
Courses for rehabilitators
When deciding on the profession of a physiotherapist, you must keep in mind the constant expansion of knowledge. This matters for many reasons. First of all, the market is governed by its own laws. Some focus on deepening their knowledge and acquiring new skills. The others are left behind. The former increase their quotations on the labor market, the latter are doomed to a contract with the National Health Fund.
Secondly, the essence is the very well-being of the patient. By not developing, we increase the risk of medical malpractice, and thus condemn a defenseless man to health problems. Therefore, physiotherapy courses are an essential element of your professional future if you plan to complete relevant studies.
The cost of rehabilitation courses
Needless to say, these are really expensive. Many graduates of major studies have problems with enrolling in specific, dedicated trainings for this reason. However, it is worth treating training as a necessary investment that will pay off in time. A recommended way to obtain the necessary funds for further education is to save money while working in a hospital or at university. You can also take out a loan for this purpose.
We mentioned above that manual therapy courses are in demand among physiotherapy students and already working physiotherapists. You’ve been waiting for this moment while reading this article. The price ranges of the courses we are talking about in this article range from PLN 1,300 to PLN 4,000. Much depends on the reputation of the company that organizes such training and the reputation of mentors who pass on their knowledge and experience to the trainees.
The courses are carried out stationary, at an agreed place or remotely. In the era of the Sars-CoV19 pandemic and the growing digitization, this method is gaining in importance. A variety of training materials, such as PDFs and the like, may be included in the price of a manual therapy course.
To sum up
Training organized by various training companies is worth considering if we deal with or plan to deal with the broadly understood rehabilitation of people suffering from locomotor dysfunctions. The popular trend associated with a holistic approach to medicine makes an increasing number of physiotherapy students decide to take courses in manual therapy.
The price for the course depends on the reputation of the people conducting it and the reputation of the company. Thanks to them, we can gain experience that no one can take away from us, and it may turn out to be effective in everyday rehabilitation practice.